About me


I’m Becki, the owner of Becki’s Scented Boutique and an Independent Scentsy consultant.

I started selling Scentsy in 2023. One of the reasons for starting up this business was the rising costs of childcare, which I’m sure a lot of you can relate to. Childcare costs for 2 children cost me more than I would earn in a day at work, therefore it’s not financially viable for me to go to work. That’s where Scentsy came in, if I can work from home, around the children, I get to spend more quality time with my family whilst also being able to provide for them.

Why Scentsy?

Because I work for Scentsy people think I am bound to promote the products to get the sales. However, I wouldn’t promote or sell a product I didn’t think was the best. Over the years I have tried so many cheap wax melts, diffusers and laundry products, none of them compare to Scentsy. I always ended up coming back to Scentsy products.

Core Values

Scentsy warmers are all flame free. They do not burn the wax and release chemicals into the air which you then breathe in. You are able to leave the warmers on whilst you nip out, returning to a lovely smelling home. Also these are so much safer around children as they do not get very hot, just hot enough to burn the wax.

Our Community

Working for Scentsy feels like you work in such a close community, everyone supports one another rather than fighting for the top spot and hierarchy being such an obvious thing like in a lot of jobs.

If you are interested in working for Scentsy please contact me and I’m sure you will never look back.

Scentsy Independent Consultant
Becki Rose